Before You Have an Assessment...
Assistive hearing equipment is designed to work with your hearing aids, not instead of them. Before booking an Assessment, and to ensure you get the best results, it is important to check the following:
1) Have you had a hearing test recently?

If you have noticed a decline in your ability to hear since your last hearing test, we recommend making an appointment to have another one. Having the most up-to-date information about your hearing will get you the best help possible. If you have an upcoming appointment, please attend this before taking other steps (unless your need is urgent).
If you have not had a hearing test within the last 3 years, then please make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred for one. If you have had one within the last 3 years, then you can request one from your audiology department directly.
Please see here for a list of Kent Audiology departments with their contact details.
If you don't wear hearing aids...
If you do not wear hearing aids and have noticed a decline in your ability to hear things, then the starting point is to have your hearing checked to find out whether hearing aids would benefit you. Please make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred for a hearing test.
If you don't get on with wearing hearing aids...
If you have tried hearing aids in the past but then stopped using them because you didn't like them, or thought they didn't help, please consider trying again with new ones, since technology is continuously improving. Click here to go to 'Not Getting On With Your Hearing Aids' with relevant advice.
2) Has your hearing aid been adjusted recently?

Hearing aids need to be routinely checked to see whether adjustments are needed. This interval between these checks is set by your audiologist and will vary depending on your hearing needs.
If your hearing aids haven't been adjusted for a while and you don't have an upcoming appointment, please contact your hearing aid provider to request a check.
3) Has your hearing aid had maintenance recently?

Hearing aids need to be maintained to keep them working at their best, including re-tubing every 3 - 6 months. Click to find out about hearing aid maintenance or for more information about our free NHS hearing aid maintenance clinics.
If you're still unsure what your next step with your hearing should be, please contact us for help.