Level 1

About the Course

This course teaches you how to communicate using BSL. It covers a range of topics using simple, everyday language. You do not need any previous BSL experience.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand and use a range of simple words and sentences
  • Participate in simple, everyday conversations
  • Give and follow simple directions

Our BSL Level 1 course is suitable for those who:

  • Would like to learn basic skills to have simple conversations with other BSL users
  • Are looking to progress to more advanced study and/or employment using BSL in the future
  • Are studying for personal development
  • Have parents, children, family, friends or colleagues who are Deaf BSL users

To achieve the full Signature Level 1 Certificate in British Sign Language, learners are required to pass all 3 unit assessments. Signature is the leading awarding body for deaf communication and language qualifications in the UK.

the logo of Signature, the word in blue writing

"The tutor makes the lessons fun and although I was nervous when I started. He doesn’t mind if you make mistakes or he has to repeat the signs over and over! Everyone starts with little or no knowledge so you learn together."

HI Kent provides BSL Level 1 courses throughout Kent in partnership with Kent Adult Education.

Prices for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Level 1 courses cost £580 per person, including assessment fees, if you live in Kent. If you live outside of Kent the cost is £780 per person. Other discounts may be available if you are in receipt of certain benefits, or have D/deaf family members.

Payments can be made by debit/credit card (in person or over the phone), BACS transfer, cheque, cash at one of our offices, or we can invoice your employers if they are funding the course. An instalment plan is also available.

Early enrolment is recommended, as our outstanding success rates mean that our courses always fill up quickly. 

Information and Booking

To book a place on a course, please download the application form below and return it as soon as possible by email to Bethany at BSL@hikent.org.uk or post to Bethany Harris, HI Kent, 18 Brewer Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RU. 

For any further information please contact Bethany Harris at BSL@hikent.org.uk, call us on 01622 691151, or text 07840 940535.

We look forward to welcoming you to your course!

Two sets of hands using British Sign Language