Our Trustees

Our Trustees are a group of people who share the ultimate responsibility for governing our Charity, directing how it is managed and administered, and making sure HI Kent is doing what it was set up to do.

Each Trustee has their own, individual reasons for being a part of HI Kent. Each brings their skills and experience, along with much enthusiasm and support.

Clive Reddihough: Chairman

'On our first visit to HI Kent with my profoundly deaf wife – some 20 years ago – HI Kent were incredibly welcoming and helpful. So much so, that I became a Trustee.

The help and support that HI Kent can offer has expanded enormously over the last 20 years, with HI Kent often being ‘ahead of the curve’ with initiatives that help the local deaf and hard of hearing community.

One thing though, remains unchanged - the warm friendly and helpful advice we got from HI Kent then, still stands true today.

I’m proud of my long-standing association with HI Kent and of all the great work that they do.'

Clive is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing and runs Kent based marketing agency FMS.

Clive was also delighted to be awarded Trustee of the Year at the Kent Charity Awards in September 2023!

Caroline Highwood: Treasurer

'I qualified as a Public Finance Accountant, and, prior to my retirement, I was Director of Resources for Adult Social Services. This gave me a good insight into the valuable work undertaken by HI Kent. After I retired, it seemed a good place to exercise my skills.

I also cook for the older people's lunch club in my village, and from our members, I can see how highly HI Kent is valued for the services it provides (primarily the hearing aid clinic, and more recently the social group).

I am proud to be associated with such a charity'

Jill Clarke:

'I am a retired Graduate Research Student and Teacher/Tutor married to John, a medical Doctor, ex-GP.

I now have some hearing loss and am interested in finding methods of improving communication without hearing aids.

We have been quizzers and Friends of Hi Kent for some years.'

James Ransom:

'I became a trustee of HH Kent after working to support them over a number of years, with finance and logistical challenges, while I was employed as a Senior Commissioning Lead for West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group.

I could see the great work that HI Kent were doing on a day to day basis, against a set very difficult circumstances, and when asked if I would consider becoming a Trustee upon retirement from the NHS, it was very easy for me to say yes.

I continue to be amazed at the work of the organisation and dedication of the staff as they reach out to those with hearing loss.'

Mary Shaw:

‘I am a solicitor working to support elderly and vulnerable clients and therefore need to understand how to communicate with, and provide advice to people with hearing loss.

I am also interested in the possible connection between hearing loss and dementia and the isolation people experience as a result, which is how I came to be a trustee of HI Kent’.

Pat Todd: