Level 2 Course Dates And Times
We offer face-to-face courses as well as some delivered online, via Zoom. We also provide a choice of daytime or evening tuition times.
HI Kent BSL courses are run in partnership with Adult Education, so they run in line with the academic year. New courses may also start January/February time. Please see information below on all current planned courses.
Please note: All courses generally take a break during school holiday times.
Level 2 courses currently cost £750 per person, including assessment fees, if you live in Kent. If you live outside of Kent the price is £1050 per person. Other discounts may be available if you are in receipt of certain benefits, or have D/deaf family members. For more information about the course, prices, and payment, please click here. These prices apply to people aged 19 plus, for people under the age of 19 the outside Kent price applies.
To register your interest in a course please download, complete and return the application form by email to Bethany at BSL@hikent.org.uk The link is at the bottom of the page.
Level 2 courses for the second half of the new academic year, 2024/2025, are shown below. Please note that courses will only run if both tutors and venues confirm. Minimum student numbers are also required.
Thursday Mornings
Delivered: Online (Zoom)
Time: 9.30 - 13.30
Start date: 30th January 2025
End date: 10th July 2025
Duration: 20 weeks